I volunteered Saturday, June 13, 2009 for the American Diabetes Association's event: Tour
de Cure. I was one of the photographers asked to document & capture this very large event. I had so much fun. Due to the large amount of photos taken, I've only selected a few to share here.
There were so many volunteers & participants. It was amazing!
I hope you enjoy my documentation of the event.
Please, register first ;P

Don't forget to tune your bike ;)

Ladies & Gentleman, Children of all ages!

Let's get this party started, Let's get started quickly :)

Oh, please sign the banner

Grab a bite

& the opening ceremonies

will now begin!

Security was tight :)

On your marks, get set

get ready &


Take a break if you need it ;)
(Did I say, I got to ride on the Speedway. It was oh so fun!
I was so giddy! I felt like a little kid. It was wonderful!)

The finish is in site!

Let's Celebrate...

& kiss the bricks!

Congrats, you've completed the Tour
de Cure

So, Let us eat!

Mix & Mingle

Get our face painted (I didn't but really wanted to)

& Celebrate to Music

Let's Cool Down Some

Bounce Around, Bounce Around

& Celebrate to more music!!

Have your caricature done (I even had my caricature done)

Thank you :)
Copyright © PhotoBee Photography by Melissa Morgan