CD $175
2GB USB Flash Drive $165 (first purchase, does include one sessions images)
USB flash drive is refillable for subsequent sessions $55/session
Available Milestones Plus Flash Drive $200 (includes flash drive + 5 sessions), compliments the Milestones Portrait Package ;)
For those of you who purchase prints...Thank you! Especially, since this is now a part of my business. I can guarantee the quality of my prints.
It is important to know when purchasing the CD or flash drive these do include my copyright release, but I can not guarantee some other companies quality of prints. I spend a lot of time setting the color...If you order prints from someone with your CD or flash drive, you should request that they
not auto-correct; prints will not come out right. Most companies automatically auto-correct (to make your prints look better) but when I have custom set my prints to look a certain way, they will not print that way if they have been auto-corrected, because the auto-correcting will make adjustments that were not meant to happen.
I'll be getting a calibration device here soon & all of my images will be 100% correct. I'm really looking forward to this. I will also be getting some new software which will make my developing process much quicker & smoother. I cannot wait! At some point this fall I will be purchasing lighting equipment, that I will be able to take to location, mainly for indoors.
Okay, now some discounts on CD & USB Flash Drive refills!!!
CD price for print purchases of:
$300+ in prints = Cd $25
$250-$299 in prints = CD $50
$200-$249 in prints = CD $75
$150-$199 in prints = CD $100
$100-$149 in prints = CD $125
$50-$99 in prints = CD $150
-$49 in prints = CD $175
USB Flash Drive REFILL price for print purchases of:
$201+ in prints = refill $25
$150-$200 in prints = refill $35
$100-$149 in prints = refill $45
-$99 in prints = refill $55
The print prices are before taxes for discounts.
Collages & other created items are not included on CD or flash drive.